Tuesday 28 April 2020

Thinking About Selling Your Home? Find Out Why This May be the Perfect Time!

Rise to the Top of the Pool by Selling Your House Today

Rise to the Top of the Pool by Selling Your House Today | MyKCM

With the release of the latest Economic Pulse Flash Survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), results show that people selling their houses today are holding strong on price. According to the most recent data, 74% of real estate agents noted that sellers are not dropping listing prices to attract more buyers.
Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR, noted: 
“The housing market faced an inventory shortage before the pandemic. Given that there are even fewer new listings during the pandemic, home sellers are taking a calm approach and appear unwilling to lower prices to attract buyers during the temporary disruptions to the economy.”
This inventory shortage, which spread widely throughout the housing market going into today’s economic slowdown, created an environment where there were not enough homes for sale for those who wanted to buy them. With that backdrop setting the stage, Yun also notes:
“With the current quarantine recommendations in place, fewer sellers are listing homes, which will limit buyer choices.”
So, with buyer choices already limited going into this season, and more sellers removing listings today, if you’ve been thinking about listing your house, it’s a great time to do so. Many others in your neighborhood may be waiting to make a move or removing their listings, so staying on the market – or jumping into it – could work to your advantage.
Buyers today are serious ones, and with prices holding steady in this low-inventory market, you can feel confident about selling today. Embracing the process virtually, where available, could help your house hit the top of an eager buyer’s list. While your neighbors miss out on this opportunistic time, you don’t have to.

Bottom Line

If buyer choices are limited in your neighborhood, selling now may help your listing rise to the top of the pool. Let’s connect today to make sure you have the expert help you need to succeed in the selling process.

I am a realtor working in South Florida. If you need help buying or selling a home, please contact me. Also, please view my website where you will also be able to search the MLS. 

What Impact Might COVID-19 Have on Home Values?

What Impact Might COVID-19 Have on Home Values?

What Impact Might COVID-19 Have on Home Values? | MyKCM

A big challenge facing the housing industry is determining what impact the current pandemic may have on home values. Some buyers are hoping for major price reductions because the health crisis is straining the economy.
The price of any item, however, is determined by supply and demand, which is how many items are available in relation to how many consumers want to buy that item.
In residential real estate, the measurement used to decipher that ratio is called months supply of inventory. A normal market would have 6-7 months of inventory. Anything over seven months would be considered a buyers’ market, with downward pressure on prices. Anything under six months would indicate a sellers’ market, which would put upward pressure on prices.
Going into March of this year, the supply stood at three months – a strong seller’s market. While buyer demand has decreased rather dramatically during the pandemic, the number of homes on the market has also decreased. The recently released Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) revealed we currently have 3.4 months of inventory. This means homes should maintain their value during the pandemic.
This information is consistent with the research completed by John Burns Real Estate Consulting, which recently reported:
“Historical analysis showed us that pandemics are usually V-shaped (sharp recessions that recover quickly enough to provide little damage to home prices).”

What are the experts saying?

Here’s a look at what some experts recently reported on the matter:
“Supported by our analysis of home price dynamics through cycles and other periods of economic and housing disruption, we expect home price appreciation to decelerate from current levels in 2020, though easily remain in positive territory year over year given the beneficial factors of record-low inventories & a historically-low interest rate environment.”
“The fiscal stimulus provided by the CARES Act will mute the impact that the economic shock has on house prices. Additionally, forbearance and foreclosure mitigation programs will limit the fire sale contagion effect on house prices. We forecast house prices to fall 0.5 percentage points over the next four quarters. Two forces prevent a collapse in house prices. First, as we indicated in our earlier research report, U.S. housing markets face a large supply deficit. Second, population growth and pent up household formations provide a tailwind to housing demand. Price growth accelerates back towards a long-run trend of between 2 and 3% per year.”
“The housing supply remains at historically low levels, so house price growth is likely to slow, but it’s unlikely to go negative.”

Bottom Line

Even though the economy has been placed on pause, it appears home prices will remain steady throughout the pandemic.
I am a realtor working in South Florida. If you need help buying or selling a home, please contact me. Also, please view my website where you will also be able to search the MLS. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Buying a Home in 2020? Do This One Thing Now!

The #1 Thing You Can Do Now to Position Yourself to Buy a Home This Year | MyKCM

The last few weeks and months have caused a major health crisis throughout the world, leading to a pause in the U.S. economy as businesses and consumers work to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The rapid spread of the virus has been compared to prior pandemics and outbreaks not seen in many years. It also has consumers remembering the economic slowdown of 2008 that was caused by a housing crash. This economic slowdown, however, is very different from 2008.
One thing the experts are saying is that while we’ll see a swift decline in economic activity in the second quarter, we’ll begin a sharp rebound in the second half of this year. According to John Burns Consulting:
“Historical analysis showed us that pandemics are usually V-shaped (sharp recessions that recover quickly enough to provide little damage to home prices), and some very cutting-edge search engine analysis by our Information Management team showed the current slowdown is playing out similarly thus far.” 
Given this situation, if you’re thinking about buying a home this year, the best thing you can do right now is use this time to get pre-approved for a mortgage, which you can do from the comfort of your home. Pre-approval will help you better understand how much you can afford so that you can confidently do the following two things when you’re ready to buy:

1. Gain a Competitive Advantage

Today’s low inventory, like we’ve seen recently and will continue to see, means homebuyers need every advantage they can get to make a strong offer and close the deal. Being pre-approved shows the sellers you’re serious about buying a home, which is always a plus in your corner.

2. Accelerate the Homebuying Process

Pre-approval can also speed-up the homebuying process so you can move faster when you’re ready to make an offer. Being ready to put your best foot forward when the time comes may be the leg-up you need to cross the finish line first and land the home of your dreams.

Bottom Line

Pre-approval is the best thing you can do right now to be in a stronger position to buy a home when you’re ready. Let’s connect today to get the process started.

I am a realtor working in South Florida. If you need help buying or selling a home, please contact me. Also, please view my website where you will also be able to search the MLS. 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Making the most of Your at Home Workspace

With so many Americans now working from home, it is important to have a work space that not only puts you in the right frame of mind to be productive and motivated, but it should also be aesthetically pleasing as well. 

Prior to Covid 19, if you normally worked at home, chances are you had a private home office. However, with millions of Americans being thrust into this new work situation, it may just not be possible. Not to mention, that you may have to share a space with your kids who are doing homework and your spouse. 

What to do…. Pick a quiet space. Maybe it is in your bedroom, dining room, or even corner of a living room. Keep it well organized.  Set up some sort of filing system. Perhaps find a box that you can put documents and papers in at the end of the day so they are not just sitting there. Add some pictures of your friends, family or your dog. I would also set up a couple of plants or flowers to brighten the work area too.
The most important thing is to keep up with your regular work schedule as best you can. Get up at the same time you used to before. Exercise, take a shower, get dressed and be ready to work. Take a few breaks throughout the day. Go for a walk at lunch. Sit outside and get some sunshine.

 It is very easy to get cagey from being cooped up in your house all day- the toll that it can take on your mental health can be overwhelming.
Breathe, do the best you can with what you have, be grateful and know that this too shall pass. #weareallinthistogether #workfromhome

I am a realtor working in South Florida. If you need help buying or selling a home, please contact me. Also, please view my website where you will also be able to search the MLS.